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An aspiring writer's tiny existence in New York City while chasing a dream, and hoping that somehow this crazy, random thing called "life" all works out.

Please visit to see how random acts of kindness add up worldwide. I hope you take a minute to join and add kindness you've received, done or seen to inspire others to do the same.

For sending inspiration and/or fanmail, please use:


Saturday, December 16, 2006

Day 1021: We Now Return You To Our Regular Programming

I took a short break from writing, 313 Days to be more exact. What have I been doing? In short, I've been telling myself that I need to get back to writing each of those days. In long, I've been waiting for something emerge worth writing about.

This week, something emerged worth spending a Saturday evening in the city that never sleeps. The moniker is true - I never seem to sleep and have basically been running on thinly wired fatigue for the year. But I digress...

The thing that has finally set my fingers in motion again is the sudden reawakening of my "kindness" site called It's basically been dormant along with my writing/blather for most of this year. Suddenly, in the past couple of weeks people have started to join and post acts of kindness. And not just any old acts of kindness like "smiled at a stranger" which I've used when in desperate need for posting something. Instead, people are posting real things such as buying medicine for poor villagers in Bangkok.

It's the season of giving and Holiday music is playing in the background. I'm thinking of even getting a tree this year instead of simply passing over the holiday as I did for the most part last year. I have renewed energy and hope for the site now. I had almost written it off but, like most good things, they eventually prove themselves out and instead of becoming extinct, they begin to bloom - even in the middle of winter.

So where to from here? I don't know, really. What I do know is that for now, it feels good that people from around the world have starting finding the site and joining. Each day I find myself checking it to see what new things have been posted from unexpected places.

Christmas is 9 days away now and my sincerest hope is that the season of giving doesn't end there but instead continues to grow on "LFBR" all year long.

As I close, I'd like to apologize to anyone reading this who may have been a regular reader of my much more interesting/funny/insightful posts of yore. I will get back to that in due time, I'm just a bit out of practice.

In the meantime, I do have a favor to ask of anyone reading this - please take the time to share with all of your friends and family. If you're having a bad day visit the site, if you're having a good day, visit the site. If you've done something kind, record it and if something kind has happened to you, record that. If you run across some inspirational story, stick that on there, too.

I've learned over time that goodness and kindness don't really exist in an individual vacuum. It's something that happens between people and is meant to be shared. There is no giving without receiving and no receiving without giving. It's a balance...

With all the horror of the world reported in the news each day, isn't it time to balance that out too? Wouldn't you rather hear stories of good things from everywhere? Yea, me too.

Peace out...